Friday, December 22, 2006

I Am Filled With Unutterable Loathing

So it has finally happened. The travesty known as the Duke Rape Case has been brought to a merciful end. I am so angry it is hard to type.

I know this case intimately from my hanging out at Free Republic. One of the long-time members was a court reporter from one of the nearby cities, and from time to time she'd post a little nugget of info (note: no laws were broken). Those who have followed closely know that it was a travesty from the beginning: the evidence didn't support the charges.

I am angry beyond words. Not at prosecutor Mike Nifong, I'll leave the outrage at him to others. Not at the accuser, what little I know about her just makes her pitiable. No, the object of my rage sits in the location of Duke University.

I am angry at Duke president Richard H Broadhead. Without hesitation he fired the coach and stopped the lacrosse program completely. I am angry at the so-called "Women's Study" types, who marched outside the homes of completely innocent people, plastering their pictures and names everywhere, yelling at them to "come clean". I am angry at Nancy Grace and her harping ninnies, who always assumed these boys were guilty. I am very angry at "the community" in Durham - I hope I never have to step foot in that God-Forsaken Hell-hole.

I don't care how brilliant my children are, Duke University will never see one cent from me. I'd rather my kids go to community college than go somewhere where they'll be left to twist in the wind at the first sign of racially and sexually loaded charges.

What we've had here, from the beginning, is To Kill a Mockingbird, in reverse. Had it gone to trial, I have no doubt that jury nullification would have happened against these "rich white boys", and they would have seen long jail sentences. (I have inside information about how things work in Durham - think Memphis Machine to a power of 1000). As it is, their lives are ruined. They will forever have the cloud over their heads of being accused of something incredibly heinous.

I swear, I now feel about Duke University almost exactly as TGW does about president Bush.

My new favorite basketball teams are Vanderbilt, and whoever is playing Duke.

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