Friday, October 20, 2006

This Week's Ugly Betty Review

Last night's episode was a little weird to me. Not bad, just weird.

I know they can't ride the "fish out of water" premise forever, but I was just starting to get used to Betty / Amanda having their weekly battles. This week, they work together, because they have to. (Don't worry, no spoilers here). Also, Daniel and Wilhelmina are forced to work together. The plot was actually the best one of the year. All in all, a fun episode.

I think what's bugging me is that I had gotten used to hating Amanda and Marc. This week, in a high-stress situation, both drop their pretentions; they are almost likeable. Amanda is much more human and Marc has the best line of the night:

(paraphrased - To Justin): "Always be who you are. Just learn to run fast..."

Justin practially "came out" this episode. The producers have handled this character with taste and class so far.

The mystery back-story isn't much of a mystery, but something tells me they're going to need it to keep the show going through a long run. They also introduced a new, very interesting story line about Betty's father, which I'm dying to see developed.

Episode Parental Advisory: Very little this week. There is a very short clip of Daniel / Amanda sitting on a bed (Daniel is taking his shirt off), and there is one usage of "b**ch". As mentioned, Justin's role (and personality) is much more prominent this week, but there is nothing "in your face". Zaphod (10) and Trillian (8) like the character and say he's just "weird, but funny". If they keep this up, I can let the kiddies watch this show without pre-screening.

I just thought it was incredibly ironic that Marc could give that advice to Justin. Seeing as how Marc is Betty's chief antagonist and all.

I get that the bullied often bully those they perceive as weaker. I just would have liked Marc to have some self-insight about his equally harsh treatment of Betty.
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